Saturday, March 13, 2010

Tap, tap, tap ... testing, testing, testing ... is this thing on? Hello?

Well, I figure 4 months is about the right interval between blog posts. And I'm a little burned out on Facebook ... not to mention a little creeped out lately.

So here are some photos from around Paris. Lol and I hit the Marais looking for falafel. But the resto had been closed for kosher violations. So we found a yiddish deli instead. Anywho ... this is l'Hôtel de Ville.

A carousel in front of l'Hôtel de Ville and BHV in the background. Note to self: never, ever, ever gof to BHV on a Saturday.

A Lolly sighting in Paris ...

Shakespeare and Co ...


Unknown said...

A Lolly sighting in Paris?! She was extinct there for a while...

Unknown said...

Oh, and why are you bummed and creeped?

Craig Bob said...

Well, the creepy parts are usually about friend suggestions. Like it recently suggested a winery that I had ordered wine from in the Loire Valley. But I hadn't "told" Facebook about that transaction. And I always tell it no when it wants to search my email for new friends. So it must have done that without my permission.

And burned out ... well, first, I love the photos and videos of y'all so keep those coming. But there's an awful lot of chervil up there, no?