Saturday, December 6, 2008

Another Saturday Night in Paris ...

... in which I willingly entered a church and emerged without anger, sadness, or snark. In fact I was inspired. I've come a long way.

L'eglise Notre-Dame-du-Travail was the church and I went to hear the Concert de Noël Franco-Allemand. The church was built back in the 18-whatevers and was dedicated to the dignity of the worker (hence the "du Travail" part of the title). That plus a little inspiration from Gustav Eiffel gets you kind of an interesting, stark look. At least it's stark for a Napoleon III era building:

The music was incredible - said to be traditional Christmas music popular in Germany (Allemagne) and France. Of the 90 minutes or so, I only knew one piece: "The Holly and the Ivy" which they performed in English.

Then one shot from the walk home. Many of the Parisian streets are decked out for Christmas. This one is a few minutes walk from Chez Burnett ...


Scott said...

All that comes to mind is "Wow..." -- not very eloquent, I'm afraid.

Unknown said...

Isn't Notre Dame an exception to the rule?

Craig Bob said...

Maybe that's the trick - maybe I can safely enter any church with "Notre Dame" (Our Lady) in the title. That would be helpful since there are, like, twenty of those in Paris.