Tuesday, September 1, 2009

WWII Geeks?

Any other World War II geeks out there? This cartoon was reprinted in Le Monde yesterday. It was originally published in France in 1939 after Ribbentrop and Molotov signed the nonaggression treaty between Germany and the Soviet Union.

The caption says, "Combien de temps va durer leur lune de miel?" meaning: how long will their honeymoon last?

There's something deeply disturbing about Stalin in a wedding dress.


Zeke said...

Bit of a WWII geek myself. I've wondered if Europe has anything approximating our Civil War battlefield monuments. There's something very transportive about standing in a field that generations before was fought over. I just wonder if Europe, in its hunger for land and its eagerness to move on, managed to preserve many of those sites.

Trav said...

dig this sort of stuff. makes it much more real and reminding of the reality of it happening again.

JBlog said...

"I've wondered if Europe has anything approximating our Civil War battlefield monuments."

Well, there's Normandy.