Friday, September 26, 2008


It's been a busy few days in Denmark. Lolly and I flew into Copenhagen on Thursday although, sadly, her luggage didn't. We rented a car, drove a few hours to Haderslev, and met up with Trinh and Kate for dinner. Then this morning ... they got married by a very pleasant Danish judge with spiky hair and a spray-on tan. Actually, everyone in Denmark seems to be friendly and fluent in English. That plus the general tidiness makes Denmark quite a contrast with Paris.

Downtown Haderslev ...

Egeskov Castle ...


Zeke said...

Did you hear Tina Dico playing everywhere?

By the way, if you've haven't given her a listen yet you might like her. She Copenhagen's favorite daughter.

Craig Bob said...

No - I don't think I did. In fact, the radio stations were the real weak point in Denmark. The choices seemed to be mindless, indistinct techno or 70's disco.

JBlog said...

Heyo, I'm pretty sure the dude in the first photo is not Danish.

The woman might be though.

Lora said...

jblog, you're right, he is american (and she is as well).

JBlog said...

That's what I thought.

You can spot an American from a mile away -- the straight back, the warm smile coupled with a cool, steel glint in the eyes.

Zeke said...

Yep. Just like Obama, right?

JBlog said...

Comes from Norwegian stock, would be my suspicion.