Saturday, August 16, 2008

Another Visit!

We're having a great visit with our friend Davin. He's camped in Geneva for several weeks on a work assignment and bopped over to Paris on the TGV. So here are today's photos from around Paris:

All three of us snapped simultaneous self portraits:

Notre Dame is still compelling after all these visits:

The Arch and a little Champs Elysee shopping. Davin scored some French rap at FNAC.

Sacre Couer

And a photo with a moral ... never ride the Paris Metro on Saturday afternoon


Unknown said...

Coooooool. I wish I was there! Hi Davin.

Craig Bob said...

Davin says he doesn't blog. So I don't know if you will get a response.

JBlog said...

Doesn't blog?

What, is he some sort of caveman?

Who doesn't blog?