Saturday, August 9, 2008

He's Dead Jim

Well, I thought about renewing the Out of Fellowship domain. Rev Dan says I'll regret not renewing and he might be right. But in the end expiration seemed best. After all that, -- ahem -- preaching I did about the evils of institutional permanence it seemed best to let OOF dissolve into the ether. And I seem to have leveled out at a healthy ambivalence about the OC (Organized Church) so I really don't have much to say about the topic anymore. Let's talk about Paris instead.



Zeke said...

Processing my departure from the OC is still ongoing, though it's quieted down considerably in my soul. And that's a good thing.

JBlog said...

Things change.

Somewhat ironically, I've never been more excited about my OC thing than now.

Maybe that's because we're doing some pretty wild stuff, like buying brothels in Bangladesh and giving them women in them the opportunity for new lives.

Scott said...

It's good to let OOF go, I think, and also sad. I just hope it doesn't get hijacked by some knucklehead with an agenda that would do violence to your history. But I suppose that's an occupational hazard.

Mike Stavlund said...

RIP, OOF. You were a great pulpit for some wonderful monologues against monologues. Thanks for the memories, and for all of the podcasts that still live in my iPod.

Zeke said...

That Hallmark Series starring Junior was classic. I hope you can throw that up one of these days, CB.