Monday, July 14, 2008

Another one of Junior's Shortcomings ...

... Is that he is incapable of distinguishing between the laws of physics and bad intentions. To him, wind slamming a door is identical to a home invasion. The outcome is a now well known sequence here at 2 rue d'Alencon: loud, sharp barking followed by uncontrollable coughing followed by a sneezing fit and then a nap. What a loser.


Zeke said...

We have a herding dog that freaks her *ss out every time she hears a cat meow outside. You can really sense her rage and frustration at being cooped up inside when she could be outside raising hell.

I suspect though that as you settle in to France that Junior's unpredictable outbursts may seem just de rigueur--so very French in their randomness, passion and futility.

JBlog said...

"...loud, sharp barking followed by uncontrollable coughing followed by a sneezing fit and then a nap."

Actually, I'm led to understand that's what passes for a good Saturday evening's entertainment for most Parisians.

So he should fit right in.

Craig Bob said...

I just have to wonder - will you still respect me when I get back from France?

Zeke said...

jblog, that is a fine jazz bass in your picture. You play?

JBlog said...

I just have to wonder - will you still respect me when I get back from France?

Heck, I don't respect you now, so what's the diff? KIDDING! I'm kidding -- if you're gonna lead with your chin like that...

jblog, that is a fine jazz bass in your picture. You play?
Indeed it's a dandy -- My Fender Jblog Signature '76 Jazz Bass. They just made the one, though.

I was thinking about selling it -- it prices out at roughly $3,000 these days (hey, I don't set the prices) -- but I'm having second thoughts.

Craig Bob said...

No way you'll sell that thing. It's part of you.

JBlog said...

Nah, it's just a piece of wood.

In fact, I played a gig with it Sunday and was generally not pleased with the way it sounded.

I may throw a set of flats on it and see what that does.