Saturday, July 12, 2008


I guess in the back of my mind, I knew I would be writing this blog post sooner or later. So I can't help feeling a little bit just part of the system now that I am actually sitting down to do it. Here's the thing: moving to a different country is hard.

Don't get me wrong, there are many very cool things about living in Paris (including being able to say out loud, "we live in Paris.") But it's very strange and difficult to wake up one morning and have every single one of your life rhythms terminated. Of course, there is a beauty to the fact that you also get to establish a whole new set of rhythms and do things you never would have done within the context of the old ones. For example, choosing to live without a car -- never would have happened if we stayed stateside.

And the other hard thing is: you wake up on that same morning and all of your friends and family are thousands of miles away. That falls into the "things you don't fully appreciate until ..." category.

But on the bright side, it's a long weekend here in France due to Bastille Day. Lolly and I did a long photo safari through Cimetière du Montparnasse and Jardin du Luxembourg today. Here's a photo to prove it:


Zeke said...

You have a Flickr account you could start throwing these up to?

And though I've never gone expat, what you're saying makes perfect sense.

Ryan Lee Sharp said...

Yah, it does make complete sense...and we miss y'all dearly.

Craig Bob said...

Ya I'm trying to get a Picasa album up but my macbook battery keeps dying at he cafe. It has this annoying habit of going from 30 minutes charge to 0 without warning. Charming.

JBlog said...

Click your heels three times and say "there's no place like home...there's no place like home...there's no place like home..."

Hey, it worked for Dorothy.

JBlog said...

Oh, and happy Bastille Day, yo.

Go have some French toast, or French cruellers, or something to celebrate.

Scott said...

You're gaining a perspective (on many things) that couldn't be gotten any other way. And we get to enjoy some of it through your eyes.