Sunday, July 6, 2008

Moving to France

Hi all and welcome to my new blog. I'm not entirely sure where this one will go or how long it will hold my interest (I stuck with Out of Fellowship for 80+ episodes - an unusually long attention span by my standards). But I thought it would be a good idea to start fresh here as Lolly and I begin our 3-year adventure in Paris.

The trip from San Francisco last Wednesday was a little tough. Lufthansa was on strike in Frankfurt and that tripped off a series of difficulties that resulted in us getting to Paris late and our luggage getting here even later. But our bags were delivered the next day and none too worse for the wear.

The major immediate adjustments include:
  1. Seriously ramping up my French skills - I already see improvement in reading and speaking it, but hearing it ... that's another story.
  2. Adapting to city life. We live in the center of Paris in Montparnasse. It's a mix of old "postcard" Paris and urban big city Paris. Let's just say that it's not as quiet as the Oakland Hills.
  3. Teaching Junior to operate a leash. When I put the leash on him, he looks at me like he's never seen me before and freezes in place. I tried dragging him but he just plants all four feet and and skips along -- as if we had him stuffed by a taxidermist for the purpose of taking him for a scrape around the city. What a loser.
  4. Sleep cycles! Ouch.
Here are some photos of our neighborhood ...

This is the building where we live. Our apartment is the one near the top with the balcony.

This is the street on one side of our apartment:

This is the scene that greeted us as we left our apartment in search of wifi this afternoon; some type of French Critical Mass:


brett said...

my american sensibilities (somewhat oxymoronic) are already at a loss because of the craig bob and lolly vacuum. france 2 - us 0

Ryan Lee Sharp said...

Glad you're back in the "blogosphere." Still no WiFi? What are they, communists?!?

J.Dou said...

Best wishes settling in! We're still getting adjusted out here. Beijing's been a little crazy, to say the least...

Say hi to Lolly for us!

Unknown said...

I'm stoked to see a new CraigBob blog, especially since I'm sad that OOF has disappeared.

I'm lookin' forward to more of CB's Parisian Posts. Woot!

Scott said...

Consider having Twig fitted with little rat-boy roller blades.

And a little rat-boy Speedo, perhaps.

(If you can't find such things in Paris, then they simply don't exist.)

Unknown said...

Glad to see you. I'm still listening to OOF reruns. Eager for some news.

Didn't I see your apartment building in a Bourne movie?

Zeke said...

I was surprised how confounded I was walking around the Paris core, stymied at just about every turn in finding an open router. Some of the public areas have free Paris wifi, but it's spotty even where they have it.

What's le deal with that?

Anyway, great to see you back online and looking forward to your observations francais.

JBlog said...

Please report back on where to find the best french fries in Paris.