Monday, July 28, 2008

Field Report

It's been 4 weeks since we moved to Paris. And I am now ready to announce that I have isolated the primary sociological difference between Americans and Parisians. You can keep your socio-econometric models and your cultural-philosophical maps ... it's all secondary. The primary difference is the disparate values we place on ventilation.

In the U.S., we ventilate just about everything to within an inch of its life. In Paris, entire spaces like elevator lobbies, restrooms, and subway cars go wanting in the whole vent+fan department. And disproportionate energy consumption be damned, on a day like today I gotta give the nod to the US of A. It was, um, really hot -- 31 C which, according to my calculations, is like 175 F.

So it was a huge relief when the rain broke this evening (blurry picture below). Viva la ventilation!


Zeke said...

Of course, France's ventilation challenges managed to kill 15,000 of her citizen in a heatwave a few years ago. So we got that going for us.

Anonymous said...

You might want to consider renaming this post "Breaking Wind: A Parisian Field Report Supporting Long-Standing Stereotypes about French Odor" - I mean if you want to be honest about it.

JBlog said...

Is it true the women don't shave their legs and armpits too?

Talk about a lack of ventilation.

Woof, that's not gonna be good.

Craig Bob said...

I haven't really noticed an odor related to the ventilation thing. But damn, it gets hot and stuffy. In fact, other than me I don't see anyone else even sweating.

JBlog said...

Uh, you gonna give us the G2 on the ladies' leg and armpit hair, chief?

Craig Bob said...

Haven't seen a single, female hairy leg or armpit in 4 weeks. I'm afraid the global, neocolonial MTV empire did away with that particular cultural marker. It's sad really.

JBlog said...

Wow, I'd be curious to know how THAT survey worked.

"Excusez-moi, madamoiselle -- may I see your legs and armpits, si'l vous plait?"



Zeke said...

Do you have to work in a monkey suit over there? That's one thing I noticed about Germany... even in temperature-controlled buildings and public spaces it was relatively swampy. As if I needed another reason to despise business attire.

Craig Bob said...

It's pretty informal over here now. Probably another effect of President Bling-Bling.

JBlog said...

A modestly conservative president with a pretty hot wife -- now there's a trend I hope catches on.